3Editorial. Teaching Teachers-studies into the Expertise of Teacher Educators: an Introduction to This Theme Issue. Teaching and Teacher Education, 2005,21 (2): 107-115. 被引量:1
4John, P.D. The Teacher Educator's Experience Case Studies of Practical Professional Knowledge. Teaching and Teacher Education, 2002,18(3): 323. 被引量:1
5Zeichner, K. Becoming a Teacher Educator:. a Personal Perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education, 2005,21 (2): 117-124. 被引量:1
6John Loughran. Researching Teaching about Teaching: Selfstudy of Teacher Education Practices. Studying Teacher Education, 2005,1(1): 5-16. 被引量:1
7Clarke, A & Erickson, G. Complexity Science and Cohorts in Teacher Education: Studying Teacher Education, 2005, 1 (2): 159-177. 被引量:1
8ATE. Standards for Teacher Educators [EB/OL]. http://www.atel.org/pubs/uploads/tchredstds0308.pdf, 2012-02-20. 被引量:1
9Celik, S. Characteristics and Competencies for Teacher E- ducators: Addressing the Need for Improved Professional Standards in Turkey. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2011,36(4):74. 被引量:1
10ATE. Factors Working against the Standards [EB/OL]. http://www.atel.org/pubs/Why_the_Standards.cfm, 2012-02- 20. 被引量:1