
论描述心理学的质性精神 被引量:1

On the Qualitative Spirits of Descriptive Psychology
摘要 描述心理学作为科学心理学初创时期产生的重要学科形态,孕育并彰显出浓厚而澄明的质性精神,且这种质性精神的实质是科学视阈下的人文主义精神。它在本体论上反对自然科学导向的物化实在论而坚持人文科学导向的意义实在论,在认识论上反对主客彼此分离的二元论立场而坚持主客视域融合的主体间性立场,在方法论上反对实证主义的客观研究范式而坚持现象学或解释学的主观探究策略,在价值论上反对研究者可保持绝对中立的观念无涉态度而坚持研究者个人意愿会对研究过程施加影响的观念涉入态度。描述心理学的质性精神在当代的质性心理学中得到了延续、弘扬和发展,甚至可以说,前者是后者的思想源泉和精神预示,而后者是前者的当代传承和新生存在,两者在基本精神上根本一致。 Descriptive psychology was an important discipline modality, which emerged at the start-up period of scientific psychology. It was pregnant with and manifested abundant and clear qualitative spirits, which were in essence humanistic spirits under the horizon of science. From the point of view of ontology, it opposed to the materialized realism under the guidance of natural science and stuck to the meaningful realism under the guidance of human science. From the point of view of epistemology, it opposed to the dualist position standing for detachment of subject and object and stuck to the inter-subjective position standing for fusion of horizons of subject and object. From the point of view of methodology, it opposed to the objective research paradigm under the guidance of positivism and stuck to the subjective exploratory strategy under the guidance of phenomenology or hermeneutics. From the point of view of axiology, it opposed to the value-freedom attitude insisting that the researcher could keep absolutely neutral during the research and stuck to the value-involvement attitude insisting that the researcher's personal willingness would inevitably have an effect on the research process. The qualitative spirits of descriptive psychology got continued, promoted, and developed in contemporary qualitative psychology. We might even say that descriptive psychology was the source of ideas and the prediction of spirits of qualitative psychology and qualitative psychology was the contemporary inheritance and the new existing form of descriptive psychology. There was fundamental consistence in basic spirits between descriptive psychology and qualitative psychology.
作者 王申连 郭本禹 Wang Shenlian;Guo Benyu(Mental Health Research Institute,Nanjing Xiaozhuang University,Nanjing 210017;School of Psychology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097)
出处 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期177-184,共8页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目"描述心理学"(17FZX045) 江苏省教育科学"十三五"规划课题青年专项重点资助项目"‘全面二孩’政策背景下城市家庭亲子关系问题 机制与对策研究--基于描述心理学视角"(C-a/2018/01/11) 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究基金项目"描述心理学在当代未成年人心理健康领域的应用研究"(2017SJB0437)
关键词 描述心理学 质性精神 人文主义 质性心理学 descriptive psychology qualitative spirit humanism qualitative psychology
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