
描述心理学的理论形态 被引量:3

Theoretical Modalities of Descriptive Psychology
摘要 描述心理学是科学心理学产生之初由布伦塔诺和狄尔泰共同创建的一门人文科学心理学,它主张通过现象学的描述或解释学的理解如实呈现人类心理生活的全貌。描述心理学沿循严格科学和浪漫主义两种传统发展,并各自贯穿着三种独具特色的理论形态,前者包括布伦塔诺的意动描述心理学、斯顿夫的机能描述心理学和胡塞尔的本质描述心理学,后者包括狄尔泰的体验描述心理学、斯普兰格的结构描述心理学和斯特恩的人格描述心理学。每种理论形态都有自己独特的基本主张、理论焦点和方法侧重点。不同理论形态在描述心理学框架体系下结成了反对心理学自然科学化的"强力同盟",共同反对冯特等以自然科学为模板的发生心理学或说明心理学。 Descriptive psychology was a branch of human science psychology, co-founded by Brentano and Dilthey at the start-up period of scientific psychology. It held that we should present the whole picture of human mental life as what it is through phenomenological description or hermeneutical understanding. De- scriptive psychology evolved along rigorous scientific tradition and romantic tradition, each of which mainly ex- hibited three distinctive theoretical modalities: The former included Brentano's act descriptive psychology, Stumpf's functional descriptive psychology, and Husserl's essential descriptive psychology; the latter included Dilthey's lived experience descriptive psychology, Spranger's structural descriptive psychology, and Stem' s personality descriptive psychology. Each of all the six theoretical modalities had its own basic principles, the- oretical focus, and methodology preference. They formed a strong alliance to prevent psychology from becom- ing a nature science within the framework of descriptive psychology. They jointly opposed genetic psychology or explanatory psychology built on nature science and created by Wundt and others.
出处 《华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期91-96,共6页 Journal of East China Normal University:Educational Sciences
基金 江苏省博士后科研资助计划项目"大学生专业承诺的现状 影响因素及教育干预研究"(1402081C)
关键词 描述心理学 人文科学 描述 理解 理论形态 descriptive psychology human science description understanding theoretical modality
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