6See SCHOLES,R.and KAIN,R.M.The Workshop of Daedalus:James Joyce and the Raw Materials for"A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man"[C],Northwestern University Press,1965;NICHOLS,A.The Poetics of Epiphany:Nineteenth-century Origins of the Modern Literary Movement[M],University of Alabama Press,1987. 被引量:1
7DERRIDA,J.The Ghost Dance.An Interview with Jacques Derrida by Mark Lewis and Andreas Payne[A],Trans.JEAN-LUC SVOBODA,Public,2,1989. 被引量:1
8BACHELARD,G.The Poetics of Space[M],Trans.JOLAS,M.Boston,Beacon Press,1964. 被引量:1
9FITTING,P.The Lessons of Cyberpunk In C.Penley and A.Ross (Eds.),Technoculture:Cultural Politics[J]Vol.3.Minneapolis,University of Minnesota Press,1991. 被引量:1
10HALL,S.The Question of Cultural Identity,In Moderity and its Future[C],edited by STUART HALL,DAVID HELD and ANTHONY MCGREW,Open University Press,1992.Also see On postmodernism and articulation:An interview with Sturat Hall,ed.LAWRENCE GROSSBERG,from Journal of Communication Inquiry[J]1986,10(2);and STUART HALL Cultural Studies:two paradigms,In Media,Culture & Society:a critical reader[C],London:Sage,1986. 被引量:1