
通识课程学习参与对目标达成的影响——基于南京大学本科生调查的实证分析 被引量:5

Learning Engagement of General Education in University and Its Impact on the Achievement of Goals of General Education:Based on the Empirical Analysis of Undergraduates in Nanjing University
摘要 学习参与是影响学生学习质量的重要因素。结合问卷法、访谈法和观察法,通过对南京大学本科生的问卷调查,提取出通识课程学习参与的四个因子,即课堂参与、学习习惯、同伴互动和师生互动。学习参与对通识教育核心目标达成的影响较小,但是对通识教育一般目标的达成有着显著且较大的正向影响。课堂参与和学习习惯对两类目标均有显著预测力,同伴互动与师生互动影响较小,甚至还有不利影响。通识教育改革需要以提高学生的学习参与,尤其要以提高同伴互动和师生互动的质量为重点。学校和教师还需加强对通识教育核心目标的理解。 Learning engagement has an important effect on students'learning quality.Based on questionnaires,interviews and observation,four factors of learning engagement involved in the general education were extracted through surveying in Nanjing University by analyzing the learning engagement and the relationship between learning engagement and goals of general education among students in Nanjing University.The results show that the learning engagement of general education among undergraduate students in Nanjing University is not satisfactory.It is also founded out that learning engagement had little impact on the achievement of the core goals of general education,but had a significant and positive impact on the general goal of general education.Among them,the class engagement and learning habits have significant predictive power on the two types of goals;however,peer interaction and teacher-student interaction have little influence,and even have adverse effects.Therefore,the reform of general education needs to improve students'learning engagement,especially to improve the quality of peer interaction and teacher-student interaction.Moreover,schools and teachers need to strengthen the understanding of the core objectives of general education.
作者 吕文静 吕林海 LV Wenjing;LV Linhai
出处 《高教发展与评估》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期88-100,108,共14页 Higher Education Development and Evaluation
基金 2014年度教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目"国际比较视野下的中国大学生创新能力及学习环境对其的影响机制研究"(14YJA880049)
关键词 通识教育 课堂参与 学习习惯 同伴互动 师生互动 general education class engagement learning habit peer interaction teacher-student interaction
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