National psychology has four orientations:The national psychology as the origin of Wundt national psychology,The native psychology based on China's national unity problem solving,Based on the traditional cultural psychology in China and the western cultural tradition and the modern cultural psychology’s comparative study,National psychology research combining with Ethnology and psychology.But like ethnology,the current national psychology while also has a comparative study of ethnic minorities and Han nationality psychology,often equated with ethnic psychology,ignored the Han nationality is a nation,implicit is the concept of local general psychology,developmental psychology,personality psychology,social psychology,management psychology and so on are all Han Chinese mainstream psychology,while the psychology of ethnic minorities and Han nationality psychology have differences,they must be separately as a branch subject for research.To the Han nationality psychology as a subject of research,is beneficial to reflect national equality,the integrity of the national psychology system construction,to reverse the contemporary Chinese national identity、national quality problems.Through the study of the Han nationality’s cognition、emotion、attitude、stereotypes、policy understanding for minority,can provide the better social psychology and cross-cultural psychology,the national psychology opinion for the country's decision-making.National psychology should be ethnic group psychology,ethnic groups in various periods of the history of world,each country's groups in the current world,Wundt national psychology research content,the group psychology research topic of contemporary social psychology,should be the object of study of national psychology.The essence of National psychology is the cultural psychology.The relationship of National culture and national psychological is the core task of national psychology.Therefore,cross-cultural psychology、Chinese culture psychology is the important interdisciplinary of nat
ZHANG Hai-zhong;JIANG Yong-zhi(Public Administration,Humanities College,Urban Social Psychology Research Center of Lanzhou City University,Lanzhou,730070,China;School of Education Sciences,Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities,Tongliao028043,China)
Research on Higher Education of Nationalities
National psychology
The Han’s nationality psychology
Ethnic group psychology