
公共产品供给真的能减少中国农村瞬时贫困吗? 被引量:17

Can public goods provision really reduce the transient poverty in rural China?
摘要 公共产品对农村减贫具有一定效应,而农村贫困分为慢性贫困与瞬时贫困两类,公共产品供给对农村瞬时贫困的效应如何?本文分析中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)的农村家庭数据发现,中国基本公共服务供给确实改善了农村贫困状况,但是对农村贫困家庭的瞬时贫困改善效果并不明显。通过分位数回归模型,利用2009年CHNS的1 657个农村家庭数据,实证分析了公共产品供给对不同分位点下的农村家庭和农村贫困家庭瞬时贫困的影响发现:非贫困家庭的存在摊薄了贫困家庭从公共产品中所得的减贫效应,实施瞄准式的精准扶贫必要而且迫切;公共产品供给对农村贫困家庭瞬时贫困和慢性贫困的影响存在显著差异。进一步分析发现,第一,通信信息服务显著降低了农村贫困家庭的瞬时贫困和慢性贫困。第二,医疗卫生服务减少了农村贫困家庭的瞬时贫困,但对贫困家庭的慢性贫困并没有显著作用。第三,教育和基础设施会提高农村贫困家庭的瞬时贫困,同时会增加瞬时贫困成分占总贫困的比重,但会减少陷入慢性贫困家庭的瞬时贫困成分。与东部地区相比,通信信息服务对中西部地区农村贫困家庭的瞬时贫困以及教育对中西部地区慢性贫困家庭的瞬时贫困都有更好的减贫作用,但是基础设施对中西部地区农村慢性贫困家庭的瞬时贫困的减贫作用要低于东部地区。为了有效地降低瞬时贫困:(1)要强化通信信息服务的提供,特别是互联网服务的普及;(2)要加强农村家庭医疗卫生专项供给,提高贫困家庭的医疗报销比例;(3)要强化农村地区的基础设施供给,特别是农村自来水和排污设施的建设;(4)完善中西部地区的教育,加强对农村贫困家庭的职业技能培训。 Public goods exert a certain influence on rural poverty reduction,and rural poverty is decomposed into chronic poverty and transient poverty,how does the provision of rural public goods affect the rural transient poverty?Through analysis on rural households data of China Health and Nutrition Survey(CHNS),we find that the basic public services really alleviate the rural poverty,but no evident effect on the transient poverty.After the quantile regression analysis on rural public goods provision effect on transient poverty,using1657rural households data of CHNS in2009,the conclusions include that in the different quantiles non-poverty households dilute the poverty reduction effect of public goods on poverty households,which also shows the necessity and urgency of targeted poverty alleviation;and there are significant differences in the impact of public goods provision on between transient poverty and chronic poverty in rural poverty households.Furthermore,communication information services dramatically decrease transient poverty and chronic poverty of rural poverty households;health care can reduce transient poverty of rural poverty households,but no apparent effect on their chronic poverty;education and infrastructures increase the family transient poverty and the proportion of transient poverty in total poverty,but they reduce transient poverty of rural chronic poverty households.Additionally,compared to the eastern region,communication information services have a better effect on rural transient poverty alleviation,and education significantly reduces transient poverty of rural chronic poverty households in the Midwestern China.Nevertheless,infrastructures help more transient poverty alleviation of rural chronic poverty households,which is lower in Midwestern China than in eastern China.In order to reduce the transient poverty effectively,we have to improve the communication information service provision,especially the spread of Internet,enhance medical treatment and public health provision for rural poverty house
作者 刘成奎 任飞容 王宙翔 LIU Cheng-kui;REN Fei-rong;WANG Zhou-xiang(Economics and Management School, Wuhan University, Wuhan Hubei 430072, China;The Centre of Finance Research, Wuhan University, Wuhan Hubei 430072, China)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期102-112,共11页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 2010年国家社科基金项目"完善公共财政制度与实现农村基本公共服务均等化研究"(批准号:10BGL093)
关键词 公共产品 瞬时贫困 慢性贫困 public goods transient poverty chronic poverty
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