
论发展中国家食品安全的法律治理——以中国与印度为例 被引量:1

On the Governance of Law on the Problem of Food Safety in the Developing Countries: Examples of China and India
摘要 食品安全问题是关系到民生的重大问题。发展中国家食品安全水平总体上低于发达国家,根本原因是其发展不充分。为了解决食品安全问题,大多数发展中国家通过食品安全立法实行立法体系化、监管体制统一化以及监管方式多样化。由于法治水平的总体落后,经济发展水平不足以支付科学化监管的成本,民众薄弱的食品安全意识削弱了食品安全的社会基础,发展中国家的食品安全立法未能做到药到病除。要想有效解决食品安全问题,发展中国家必须提高食品安全法律治理的整体水平,重点加强依法行政和反对权力腐败,同时要加强对食品安全监管的财政支持,提升民众的食品安全意识。 Food safety is a major issue related to people’s livelihood.The overall level of food safety in developing countries is lower than that of developed countries,and the underlying reason is the inadequate development of developing countries.In order to solve the problem of food safety,most developing countries have implemented the legislative systematization,built up the unified supervision system and tried various methods of supervision on the basis of Food safety legislation.With the rule of law under construction,the lack economic development leading to the failure to pay the scientific regulation cost,the weak food safety awareness of the people weakening the social foundation of food safety,food safety legislation in developing countries couldn’t be done well.To effectively solve the problem of food security,developing countries must improve the food safety law governance,focus on strengthening the administration according to law and being against power corruption,and at the same time,to strength financial support to the food safety supervision and improve the people’s food safety awareness.
作者 宁立标 马云 NING Libiao;MA Yun(Law School of Guizhou University,Guiyang,Guizhou,550025,China)
机构地区 贵州大学法学院
出处 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第1期107-112,共6页 Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)
基金 2014年贵州省教育厅高等学校人文社会科学研究基地项目"发展中国家食品安全法律保障研究"(JD2014024)
关键词 食品安全 经济发展 社会转型 立法 法律实施 Food safety Economic development Society transformation Legislation Law enforcement
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