采用快速轴流 CO2 激光器的低阶光束模式和轴向分齿扫描方式 ,可一次扫描整个齿廓 ,并获得沿齿廓理想分布的硬化带形状。在优化工艺参数的基础上 ,对 2 0 Cr Mn Ti齿轮进行激光淬火 ,处理结果为 :表面为细针状马氏体组织 ,硬度为 HRC6 1,硬化层深为 0 .6 mm ,且硬化层深度上的硬度分布几乎无变化梯度 ,可有效地提高齿轮的耐磨性和接触疲劳强度。齿面的激光淬火解决了常规齿轮渗碳工艺中存在的变形难题 ,可省去后面的磨齿工序 。
In this paper, a laser hardening technique of gear tooth with an axial fast flow CO 2 laser system was introduced. Analysis revealed that the total gear tooth surface can be treated in single scanning by use of the axial fast flow CO 2 laser system and axial index gear method. Parameters of the process were optimized to make the gear possess a surface hardness of HRC61, and an uniformity distributing hardened layer 0 6 mm in depth. A structure of acicular martensite was obtained in this surface layer, so the wear resistance properties and contact fatigue life of 20CrMnTi gear could be improved. The results showed that using laser quenching of gears can not only improve productivity and reduce cost but also replace the traditional case hardening for some gears of particular material. Laser hardening technique of gear tooth has a significant application in industrial production.
Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
江苏省应用基金资助项目 (项目编号 :BJ980 11)