对于传统PWM变换器,死区时间越小,效率越高,而谐振变换器并非如此。本文针对LLC谐振式直流变压器(LLC-DCT),通过推导LLC拓扑损耗与死区时间的定量关系,提出了一种基于死区时间和励磁电感最优解的LLC谐振参数设计方法。从而选取最佳死区时间和励磁电感,得到最优化的整机效率,避免了先前设计中死区时间选取的盲目性。同时,根据工作在直流变压器下的LLC特点,分析了励磁电感与谐振电感比值和品质因素的选取。最后,研制了一台基于该优化设计方案的150W LLC-DCT样机,实验结果表明了设计方法的有效性和准确性。
For the conventional PWM converters, the smaller dead time, the higher efficiency, but the resonant converters are not so. Based on DC transformer(DCT) of the LLC resonant topology, this paper proposes a design for resonance parameters based on optimal solution between the dead time and magnetizing inductance. Through the selection of the dead time and magnetizing inductance, it can obtain the optimum efficiency. At the same time, according to the characteristics of LLC-DCT, the selection of the ratio of magnetizing inductance to resonant inductance and the quality factor are discussed. Finally, a 150 W the LLC-DCT prototype is designed on mentioned approach. The experimental results show the effectiveness and accuracy of the design method.
Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society