农村学生进入职业高中后 ,普遍反映对英语学习的困难特别大 ,本人用近三年时间对在慈溪浒山职成校就读的 ,来自全市 2 3个乡镇极具代表性的 13 3 6名职高生进行了调查 ,旨在了解英语学习困难生的归因 ,寻求英语教学对策。
Many rural students feel that learning English is very difficult after their entering vocational middle schools. The auther of the paper spent nearly 3 years in Hushan Vocational Middle School on the investigation into 1336 typical vocational students from 23 country towns, in order to find out the causes of the slow English students and the make an English teaching strategy.
Journal of Nanchang Vocational & Technical Techers' College