This paper continues to review the new achivements in internationalwood based panels industry. The chief event is successful utilization ofnatural poplar trees as raw material for a massive production of waferbo-ard in North America. Researches on the utilization of short-rotationintensively cultured poplar trees have been done for years. In the fieldof environmental protection, a fast progress and great success is themethod of reduction in formaldehyde emission from UF bonded boards.Quite a lot of commercial boards have come up to the German E<sub>1</sub> emissionstandard. A method with potential significent to reduce formaldehydeemission, as well as enhance hydrolitic stability, is to control UF resinstructure. Facing the lack of sound wood resouces and the challenges ofcomposite boards, the plywood industry has to intensify the utilizationof advanced techniques for its subsistence in some developed countries.The particleboard and MDF industry emerged and developed from theindustrial countries, therefore, are naturally characterized by adoptingadvanced techniques. The experiences from other countries could be unde-rstood, extracted and applied correctly only in the case that the develop-ment of Chinese wood based panels industry is considered based on ourown social background and great efforts to strengthen R & D.
World Forestry Research