Up to now, the international quality control technique in particleboardhas three main traits. (1) Quality control is executed in a scientific manner with ascientific method. (2) Quality control tends to be informative and optimized.Owingto complexicity and diversity in production, the process of particleboard productionis computerized. (3) Quality control becomes gradually automatic, includingautomatic testing, automatic adjustment, automatic chain feedback of informationand automatic control. However, compared with other industries, theparticleboard industry is still inferior in the following two aspects: (1) corre-sponding automatic testing instruments. (2) the process of production in respect ofqualitative performance. That is, a mathematic model should be developed for theprocess control. Control methods in modern particleboard can be divided into threekinds in different grades: the process control according to designed technology, thesemi-automatic process control systems (in some fields such as shavings drying, gluing and mat forming etc.closed feed-back systems), and the real time optimal qual-ty control of particleboard production. In China, although a considerable amout ofparticleboard equipments is imported from abroad, there are still some quality prob-ems existing in the particleboard production: larger thickness variation of unsandedboard, unstable quality and greater variability, and some properties (such asMORfar exceeding the specification Class 1 of GB 4986--4905--85. Fundamental-ly speaking the crux is that traditional ways and technique of quality control don'tsuit the needs of modern particleboard production. In order to change the currentstatus of the particleboard quality in China, the three items of the quality controltechnique, namely the quality diagnosis, the adjustment of the equipments and thesoftware of particleboard quality control must be formed in accordance with ourown national conditions. The preliminary achievements in these items indicate thatthere will be broad prospect develo
World Forestry Research