
童年期留守经历的情感补偿与代际效应 被引量:10

Emotional Compensation and Intergenerational Effects of Left-behind Experience During Childhood
摘要 留守经历如同流动、贫困、创伤等其他童年期经历一样,对个人来说影响深远,无论是对个人成年前的短期影响还是成年后的长期影响,都不可忽视。然而,学界多关注留守经历的短期影响或当期影响,对长期影响的调查研究还很缺乏。基于长三角和珠三角地区19个城市2 385名80后外来务工人员的问卷调查数据的实证研究表明,童年期留守经历会引发强烈的补偿效应,却不一定产生代际补偿效应,而留守的代际传递效应也未获证实。不过,后两种效应外在的不显著也可能缘于其他因素的遮蔽,或是两种效应反方向的作用力相互抵消所致。 It is a universal phenomenon that parents work or do business away from their hometowns while leaving their children back in their hometown. As the most populous country in the world, China has the largest number of left-behind children. The estimated number in 2010 is 61 million in rural China. Previous studies have showed that being left-behind by parents would lead to the problems related to emotion, mentality, behavior, education, health, and so on. But these studies usually focused on the Very few of them explored the current or short-term influences of left-behind experience. long-term consequences of left-behind experience during childhood. Based on the survey data of 2,385 post-1980s migrant workers working in 19 cities of Yangtze Delta and Pearl River Delta, the present study aims to explore the long-term consequences of left-behind experience during childhood by analyzing the effects of emotional compensation, intergenerational compensation, and intergenerational transmission. Indicators used are whether these post-1980s migrant workers are currently living with their parents, or living with their children, and whether they are leaving their first child back in their hometown. Based on the psychological mechanism of "unrealized wishes" of Gestalt psychology, this paper proposes the first hypothesis that those who have had their own left-behind childhood children. Several dual logistic model The results showed that the influences on migrant workers s were c left-beh in their onstructed by using the statis ind experience during one's decision of whether they wou tical software SPSS 19.0. childhood has significant ld live together with their experience. The largest significant impact on the left-behind experience appears in the primary school stage, followed by the middle school stage, and then the pre-school stage. Yet, the left-behind experience has no significant influence on whether or not migrant workers live with their own children. The study also did a "robustness check" by using Boot
作者 刘志军 Liu Zhijun(Department of Sociology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期133-151,共19页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71774138) 浙江省哲学社会科学规划之江青年项目(18ZJQN01YB) 2017年浙江大学学科交叉预研专项项目"留守经历的长期影响研究"
关键词 留守经历 留守儿童 情感补偿 代际补偿 代际传递 left-behind experience left-behind children emotional compensation intergenerational compensation intergenerational transmission
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