相比传统的硅基电力电子器件,以碳化硅(Si C)和氮化镓(Ga N)等宽禁带半导体制备的新型电力电子器件凭借其优异性能被认为是可替代硅基器件的重要选择。基于文献计量方法,本文通过分析新型电力电子器件领域在1990—2017年间发表的科技论文,发现该领域的发展态势主要表现以下特征:一是该领域的发文量至今保持稳定增长趋势,目前仍是全球科学家重点关注的研究方向;二是该领域的研究热点包括了关键材料生长制备的基础研究与核心器件创新应用两方面;三是全球国家/机构合作网络呈现出明显的区域合作特点,美日欧在该领域的科研实力处于领先地位,而中国大陆虽然研究规模不断变大,但整体质量与领先国家仍存在一定差距。针对国内外在该领域的发展态势,我国应不断加强核心技术攻关、强化高水平创新主体建设和形成多元化的研究合作机制,以此加快推动国内新型电力电子器件领域的发展。
Compared with traditional silicon-based power electronic devices,the advanced power electronic devices prepared by wide-bandgap semiconductor Silicon Carbide( Si C) and Gallium Nitride( Ga N) have been considered as an important candidate to replace silicon-based devices due to their excellent performance. Based on papers published within 1990-2017,this paper has studied the subject research situation of advanced power electronic device by bibliometric method. Three main results have been got. Firstly,papers in this field have remained a steady growth during 1990-2017,and this field is still attracted great attention by scientists around the world. Secondly,the research hotspots in this field including: the growth of the key material and its innovation application. Thirdly,the global national/institutional cooperation network in this field presents obvious regional cooperation characteristics. United States,Japan and Europe keep their leading position in this field.Besides,although the publications in this field has increased rapidly in Chinese Mainland,there still exist an obviously gapin the overall quality of publications compared to those in leading country. Based on these results,our country should solve the core technologies,strengthen the construction of high-level innovation system and form a diversified-research-cooperation mechanism,in order to accelerate the development of advanced power electronic device in China.
LIN Xinghao;SHANG Xuefeng(Guangdong Institute of Scientific & Technical Information,Guangzhou 510006,China)
World Sci-Tech R&D