
民国时期复旦大学学业考试制度的演变与特征探析 被引量:1

The Evolution and Characteristics of the Academic Examination System of Fudan University during the Republic of China Era
摘要 民国时期的私立大学根植于中国传统文化的土壤,在社会政治变革、民族资本主义萌芽和西学东渐的社会环境中获得了发展机会。复旦大学作为近代最早萌芽的私立大学之一,在其几十年的私立办学历程中持续受外界政治、经济与文化因素的影响,它的学业考试制度随外部局势的改变不断革新,也根据自身发展需求的调整持续完善。复旦大学学业考试制度作为民国私立大学学业考试制度的典型案例,具备的主要特点有:提倡中西文化并举,重视文理融合;实行多样化的考核方式,突出基础能力考查;学业考核严格要求,组织实施依章执行。复旦大学是民国私立大学中通过制度转型取得成功的典型案例,探析其学业考试制度的演变与特征,对深入理解民国私立大学学业考试制度具有重要意义。 The private universities in the republic of China were rooted in the soil of traditional Chinese culture,and gained the development opportunities in the social and political reform,including the germination of national capitalism and the social environment of western learning. Fudan University as one of the earliest germination of private universities in modern China,sustained during the course of the decades of private education and was influenced by the political,economic,and cultural factors in the outside world. With the external environment change constantly innovation, its academic examination system continued to improve according to their own development needs. As a typical case of the academic examination system of the private university during the republic of China era,the academic examination system of Fudan University has three characteristics. The promotion of Chinese and western culture,and the importance of the integration of literary and scientific theories. To implement diversified assessment methods and to highlight basic capabilities. Strict requirements for academic assessment and implementation of organizational implementation. Fudan University is one of the typical cases of successful system transformation among private universities during the republic of China era. Analysing the evolution and characteristics of its academic examination system is of great significance for the deep understanding of academic examination system during the republic of China era.
作者 袁礼 袁卫 易鹏兴 Yuan Li;Yuan Wei;Yi Pengxing(Shenzhen Polytechnic Institute of Technical and Professional Education,Shenzhen,Guangdong,518055 2 Institute of Education,Xiamen University,Xiamen,Fujian,361005 3 International College,Xiamen University,Xiamen,Fufian,361005)
出处 《考试研究》 2018年第4期106-110,共5页 Examinations Research
基金 国家社科基金"十三五"规划2017年度教育学重点课题<新高考制度实施与动态调整研究>(编号:AFA170006)
关键词 民国时期 复旦大学 学业考试制度 the Republic of China Era Fudan University Academic Examination System
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