泥石流灾害的预测、预报是减灾防灾重要环节和基础。在充分研究泥石流形成条件基础上 ,正确预测、预报泥石流 ,是目前最大限度减少泥石流灾害损失所采取的主要方法。本文综合了当前泥石流预测预报的方法 ,分析了泥石流长期、中期、短期预报及泥石流预报的原理 ,不同时期泥石流预报的特征及存在的问题。我国是受泥石流危害最为严重的国家之一。每年由泥石流造成的直接经济损失约达几十亿元之多 ,减少泥石流灾害造成的损失主要取决于预测预报工作等。
Debris flow is a suddenly occurring natural hazard in mountain areas over the world. The debris formation and movement are complex. There are several methods for predicting the debris flow, but it is still an important problem considered by geo-scientists. The purpose of debris flow predicting,forecasting and warning is to protect the properties and lives. The prediction of debris flow is on the basis of analysis of debris conditions and understanding of the possibility of its occurrence. The purpose of debris flow prediction and warning is to protect peoples′s life and proprty. Prediction and waring of debris flow are made at several stages before its occurrence.
Journal of Engineering Geology