地处长江中下游经济和农业发达地区的太湖的水体富营养化问题严重,蓝藻水华频发。对太湖蓝藻进行实时监测和掌握其时空变化规律是治理蓝藻水华的前提。利用2000-2011年期间的1 341景MODIS影像,采用浮游藻类指数(floating algae index,FAI),提取太湖蓝藻水华信息,研究其时空变化规律。研究结果表明,2000-2003年,太湖水体零星蓝藻水华所占比例最大,太湖蓝藻水华发生面积较小;在蓝藻大量生长期和上浮积聚期,竺山湾、梅梁湾、贡湖湾和大太湖西北部水域的蓝藻水华发生频率较高。2004年,太湖水体中第一次出现了区域蓝藻水华,从2004年开始,局部蓝藻水华所占比例超过零星水华,且开始发生区域和全湖蓝藻水华。蓝藻水华月平均面积呈单峰变化,蓝藻水华频发区域向太湖湖心扩展,蓝藻水华频率由太湖东南向西北逐渐增大,离湖岸越近,蓝藻水华发生频率越高。2004-2011年期间,除2009年外,其它年份太湖都有区域蓝藻水华发生。其中,2006年和2007年都有2次全湖蓝藻水华发生;2004-2007年整个太湖水体中的蓝藻水华发生频率都较高,2008-2011年蓝藻水华发生频率相对较低。
With the development of economy and agriculture in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain, water quality of Taihu Lake has been seriously deteriorated in the past 40 years; and the eutrophication has become a real concern with frequent cyanobacteria blooms occurrence. Real-time monitoring of the cyanobacteria in Taihu Lake and understanding its spatio-temporal variation rules were prerequisites for the management of cyanobacteria blooms. Altogether, 1 341 scenes of MODIS images were collected from 2000 to 2011, and the floating algae index(FAI) was used to extract the information of cyanobacteria blooms in Taihu Lake in order to study their spatio-temporal changes. The results showed that from 2000 to 2003, the proportion of sporadic cyanobacteria blooms in Taihu Lake was large, but the total area of cyanobacteria bloom in Taihu Lake was relatively small. During the period of large-scale growth of cyanobacteria and accumulation of rising buoyancy, the frequencies of cyanobacteria blooms were relatively higher in the Laoshan, Meiliang and Gonghubays and in the northwestern part of Datai Lake as well. In 2004, a regional cyanobacteria bloom in Taihu Lake appeared at first, and since then, the proportion of local blooms had exceeded that of sporadic blooms, and regional and comprehensive blooms have begun to occur. The monthly average area of cyanobacteria blooms showed a single peak change and the cyanobacteria bloom area expanded toward the central region of Taihu Lake. The frequency of cyanobacteria blooms gradually increased from southeast to northwest of Taihu Lake, and the closer to the lakeshore, the frequency of cyanobacteria blooms was higher than those of other years. From 2004 to 2011, except for 2009, regional cyanobacteria blooms occurred predominantly in Taihu Lake. Among them, there were 2 occurrences of cyanobacteria blooms in Taihu Lake in 2006 and 2007; the occurrence frequency of cyanobacteria blooms was relatively high in the whole Taihu Lake from 2004 to 2007, and the occurrence frequency of cyanoba
SHA Linwei;LIU Ge;WEN Zhidan;SONG Kaishan(Key Laboratory of Wetland Ecology and Environment,Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroeeology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changehun 130102,Jilin,P.R.China;University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,P.R.China)
Wetland Science