目的了解父母外出务工对0~3岁儿童早期发展的影响。方法利用2013年在山西省和贵州省农村贫困地区的调查资料,共收集2 648名0~3岁儿童及其看护人的信息,使用WHO的儿童生长发育标准和《年龄与发育进程问卷-第三版》评价儿童早期发展状况。结果只有父亲外出务工的儿童的生长迟缓和低体重发生风险为非留守儿童的0.60和0.68倍,父母双方均外出务工儿童的沟通、粗大动作、精细动作、解决问题能力和总可疑发育迟缓的风险是非留守儿童的1.95、1.57、1.67、1.61和1.39倍(P<0.05)。父母均外出务工的儿童在过去3 d内进行读书、讲故事、唱歌、带出户外、一起玩、认东西等早期刺激活动的可能性约为非留守儿童的三分之一,拥有图书的比例为非留守儿童的0.63倍,而受到暴力管教和看护人抑郁的风险是非留守儿童的1.49和1.71倍。结论父母双方外出务工不利于0~3岁儿童早期心理行为发育,父亲一方外出务工对0~3岁儿童早期体格发育有正面影响。父母外出务工能通过改变看护人的养育行为和看护人的精神状态来影响0~3岁儿童早期发展。
Objective To investigate effect of parental labor migration on early development of children aged 0 ~ 3 years old. Methods A total of 2 648 pairs of children and their caregivers were investigated with information from surveys in the poor rural areas of Shanxi and Guizhou provinces in 2013. World Health Organization( WHO) criterion and Ages Stages Questionnaires,Third Edition( ASQ-3),were used to access the condition of early development of children.Results Compared with non-left behind children,children with father-only labor migration had 0. 60 and 0. 68 times risk of growth retardation and underweight,respectively. Children with both-parental labor migration had 1. 95,1. 57,1. 67,1. 61 and 1. 39 times risk of getting potential delay in communication,gross motor,fine motor,problem solving and overall development delay,respectively( P 〈0. 05). Children with both-parent labor migration had about one third possibility of reading books,telling stories,singing,taking outdoors,playing together,recognizing things with their caregivers,and other early stimulating activities in the past 3 days. In addition,proportion of having books among children with both-parent migration was only 0. 63 times,and the risks of being violently disciplined and raised by a depressive caregiver were 1. 49 and 1. 71 times higher relative to non-left behind children. Conclusion Both-parental labor migration negatively affects early psychological and behavioral development of children,while father's labor migration can be conducive to physical growth of children. Parental migration for work may influence early childhood development through altering the depressive state and parenting behaviors of the caregivers.
GAO Yajing;ZHAO Chunxia;ZHANG Jingxu;FANG Xiaoli(Department of Maternal and Child Health,School of Public Health,Peking University,Beijing 100191,China)
Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health
联合国儿童基金会"Health and Nutrition"项目(0315-China/YH702)
left behind children
early childhood development
pre-sehool children