
FTA深度对中国中间品进口影响的实证分析 被引量:16

Empirical Study on the Impact of FTA's Depth upon China's Imported Intermediates
摘要 基于世界银行贸易协定数据库等数据来源,对中国FTA深度及其中间品进口效应的研究主要有三点结论:(1)中国的FTA深度具有显著区域特征:与南美等国的FTA深度较高,但可执行性较弱;与瑞士、新加坡等发达国家的FTA虽然深度一般,但可执行性很强;(2)FTA深度对中国中间品进口具有显著促进作用,不论是否考虑可执行性以及采用何种类型的FTA深度,这一结论始终成立;(3)中国FTA深度主要通过促进进口数量增加和集约边际扩张,进而带动中间品进口增长,对扩展边际反而具有抑制效应。以上结论表明:中国有必要加快高水平自贸区的建设进程;在FTA谈判过程中应适度增强主动性,尽早确立中国FTA模板,并以此为基准推动FTA进程。 Based on the PTA dataset provided by the World Bank,Analyses on the depth of China' s FTAs and its impact upon imported intermediates mainly come to three conclusions. Firstly,the depth of China' s FTAs show s significant regional characteristics: those FTAs w ith South America states are quite deep,w hile its enforceability is w eak;As for the FTAs w ith some developed countries including Sw itzerland and Singapore,it is average on depth,w hile w ith a strong enforceability. Secondly,the depth of FTA contributes to China' s imported intermediates significantly,and the result exists w hile considering the enforceability or not and being w ith various types of depth. Thirdly,the depth of China' s FTAs increases imported intermediates via the grow th of quantity margin and expand of intensive margin,w hile it even has inhibitory effect on extensive margin. The conclusions indicate that China should speed up to build high level FTAs,and establish ow n FTA model w hich can be a benchmark for future FTAs.
作者 童伟伟
出处 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期53-60,140,共9页 Asia-Pacific Economic Review
基金 教育部人文社科青年基金项目"自贸协定异质性对我国参与全球价值链分工的影响研究"(批准号17YJC790143)
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