Based on the PTA dataset provided by the World Bank,Analyses on the depth of China' s FTAs and its impact upon imported intermediates mainly come to three conclusions. Firstly,the depth of China' s FTAs show s significant regional characteristics: those FTAs w ith South America states are quite deep,w hile its enforceability is w eak;As for the FTAs w ith some developed countries including Sw itzerland and Singapore,it is average on depth,w hile w ith a strong enforceability. Secondly,the depth of FTA contributes to China' s imported intermediates significantly,and the result exists w hile considering the enforceability or not and being w ith various types of depth. Thirdly,the depth of China' s FTAs increases imported intermediates via the grow th of quantity margin and expand of intensive margin,w hile it even has inhibitory effect on extensive margin. The conclusions indicate that China should speed up to build high level FTAs,and establish ow n FTA model w hich can be a benchmark for future FTAs.
Asia-Pacific Economic Review