The main intellectual schools in early China, such as Confucianism, Moism, Daoism, and Legalism, could be interpreted that they originated from the different kind of cosmologies. First, they could be divided into two different types of schools, the western scholarship, such as Confucianism, and the eastern scholarship, such as Legalism. Confucianism considered the Heaven as the governor of the people, so they advocate the values of virtue, soul, and etiquette. Legalism considered the Earth as the governor of the people, so they respect the basic desire of the people, make great efforts to develop production, and rule the country according to law. Because of the interaction influences between the east and west civilizations, the ancient Chinese scholarship became very complicated. For example, Xunzi's theory not only has some ideas same as that of Confucianism, but also share some same idea with Legalism. It could be considered as originated from the Legalist who respected the basic desire of the people. Moist who classify the benevolence to the Earth and believe that the etiquette has the same effect as the law, is originated from Confucians. Totally speaking, the scholarship of Mozi and Xunzi belong to the eastern type of theory. In the view of cosmology,Laozi's thought belongs to the type which stands on the point that man should be manipulated by the Heaven, but as one kind of the eastern type of scholarship, the main value on which Laozi interested is based on the female spirit. Having been originated from the cosmology that the Heaven was separated from the Earth,Laozi refused to admit the Earth should control the people.
Zhejiang Social Sciences
early Chinese scholarship
belonging to the heaven
belonging to the earth
different scholarship of the east and west