
超越激励错位:科技人员绩效工资制度的理论弥合趋势 被引量:6

Defeat Incentive Dislocation: The Effort and Integration in the Study of Pay for Performance of R&D Employees
摘要 犹若"种瓜得豆",作为重要激励杠杆的绩效工资模式在实践中常常起不到预期作用,甚至偏离组织主航道。实践错位的背后是近半个世纪的观点冲突、学派对立与理论彷徨,折射出管理面临的永恒困境:如何在自主与控制之间寻得平衡?加强理论与理论的对话,加强理论与现实的对话,从理论竞合的间隙探寻可行的弥合之道,构成了当下绩效工资研究的一道独特风景线。概括起来,以自主与控制主导权的争夺为理论发展线索,根据绩效工资的强度、结构和情境适应性三大特征,最新研究主要聚焦在情境特质激活、激励强度的权衡艺术以及参照依赖下的整体结构优化三大领域。 Like the folly of rewarding one thing while hoping for another B, pay for performance (PFP) is widely used but often inva- lid in practice, even off the main channel of the organization. Behind the practice dislocation is the theories conflict, reflecting the half- century dilemma faced by the management: how to find a balance between autonomy and control. To explore the relationship between different theories and to bridge the gap between theory and practice are important for current PFP research. In a word, the latest re- search mainly focuses on situational trait activation, incentive intensity and PFP structure optimization.
作者 马君 马思夏
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期143-151,共9页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金"地盘意识对跨界团队创造力磨合的影响机理研究"(16YJA630036) 上海市软科学基金"上海建设全球科技创新中心的跨界行为与新型创新组织模式研究"(16692105800)
关键词 绩效工资 激励错位 科技人员 Pay for performance Incentive dislocation Science and technology professional
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