
组织情感承诺对低年资男护士工作旺盛感的影响 被引量:8

Effects of affective commitment on thriving at work among junior male nurses
摘要 目的了解组织情感承诺对低年资男护士工作旺盛感的影响。方法2017年7月,应用情感承诺量表、工作旺盛感量表对3家三级医院的63名低年资男护士进行问卷调查。结果低年资男护士组织情感承诺得分为(20.29±3.83)分、工作旺盛感得分为(42.65±5.79)分;工作旺盛感总分及其活力维度、学习维度与组织情感承诺均呈正相关(r值分别为0.364、0.270、0.350;P〈0.05)。分层回归分析显示,组织情感承诺能够独立解释低年资男护士工作旺盛感的45.20%。结论低年资男护士的组织情感承诺和工作旺盛感水平并不高,组织情感承诺是低年资男护士工作旺盛感的主要影响因素。 Objective To explore the effect of affective commitment on thriving at work among junior male Nurses. Methods In July 2017, totally 63 junior male nurses from three classⅢ hospitals in Zhejiang province were selected and investigated by Affective Commitment Scale (ACS) and Thriving at Work Scale. Results The mean scores of ACS and thriving at work were (20.29±3.83) and (42.65±5.79). Affective commitment was significantly positive correlated to thriving at work, and its two dimensions (including dynamic dimension and learning dimension) (r=0.364, 0.270, 0.350;P〈 0.05). The hierarchical regression analysis showed that the organizational affective commitment can explain 45.20% of the work enthusiasm in junior male nurses. Conclusions Junior male nurses' affective commitment and thriving at work were at a low level. The affective commitment was an important influencing factor of thriving at work.
出处 《中华现代护理杂志》 2017年第35期4442-4445,共4页 Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing
基金 丽水市科技局项目(2016GYX05)
关键词 护士 工作旺盛感 情感承诺 Nurses, male Thriving at work Affective commitment
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