【目的/意义】为了反映国外虚拟现实(VR)技术在图书馆中的应用及研究进展。【方法/过程】主要以Web of Science,Pro Quest,Google Scholar三个学术数据库收录的二十多年来的VR与图书馆相关的文献为基础,通过文献调研法和内容分析法,对国外VR技术在图书馆的应用研究进行了分析和综述。【结果/结论】国外关于VR技术与图书馆的研究主要集中在三个方面:图书馆虚拟场景的设计研究、VR技术与设备在图书馆中的应用研究、Second Life虚拟图书馆的研究。
【Purpose/significance】The paper searches and analyzes the literatures of VR technology and libraries abroad in order to find out the application and research progress of virtual reality(VR) technology in foreign libraries.【Method/process】Based on the documents from the academic databases of Web of Science, Pro Quest and Google Scholar, the paper analyzes and summarize the foreign research about VR and libraries with the method of literature review and content analyses.【Result/conclusion】The foreign research about VR and libraries concentrates on three aspects: the design of virtual environment, the application of VR technology and VR devises in libraries, the research of Second Life virtual libraries.
Information Science