
埃欧关系的历史建构与当下演变--从非对称到强相互依赖 被引量:3

The Changing Europe-Egypt Relations: From Dissymmetric to Escalated Interdependence
摘要 埃及与欧洲的关系由来已久,但在第二次世界大战前埃欧关系长期受限于殖民主义模式,其中基于苏伊士运河控制权的非对称相互依赖是双方关系的核心主题。自1956年苏伊士运河战争终结了殖民主义模式后,埃欧关系开始以非对称为起点,逐渐建构起一种多维的、可相互制衡的强相互依赖。在此模式下,双方关系既非静止的也非和谐的,而是处于现实利益考量下的博弈状态。2011年"埃及革命"以来埃欧关系的一波三折,可以说是这种常态博弈的具体表现。在推动埃欧关系当下演变的所有因素中,社会价值观或反恐安全因素并没有发挥决定性作用,欧盟地中海政策主导权的变迁和2015年塞西政府对德经济联系战略才是左右变化的关键性因素。 The relation between Europe and Egypt has undergone a long history,which was restrained to the paradigm of colonialism before the Second World War.Dissymmetric interdependence around the Suez Canal issue was the core characteristic of the bilateral relations at that period.After the Suez Canal War in 1956,Europe and Egypt started to construct an escalated interdependent relationship in multiple dimensions.Under that model,the relationship between Egypt and the European countries is neither static nor harmonious,encompassing both cooperation and competition.The twists and turns in the relations between Egypt and Europe since the 2011 Egyptian Revolution can be seen as the concrete manifestations of such unceasing game-playing.With meticulous researches,we find that neither the social value nor anti-terrorism is the most crucial factor behind the changes.The imbalance of power between France and Germany within the EU and the changing force dominating the European Neighbourhood Policy,together with the Economic Contacting Strategy towards Germany conducted by Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi,may be the most significant factors that determine the relations.
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期23-47,共25页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
基金 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目(项目编号:12JJD810015)“北非变局对环地中海国际关系的影响研究”的阶段性成果
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