为了研究巴氏杀菌乳在门店冰箱贮存售卖期间的温度和品质变化特点;通过对玻璃瓶装巴氏杀菌乳在冷藏贮存售卖冰箱温度波动变化的情况下,实测获取冰箱箱体温度和时间参数,以不开启售卖同条件的冷藏贮存冰箱为对照,考察过程中的微生物指标、理化指标和感官品质变化情况。研究表明,在1~5 d时间内,不同贮存条件下,样品的蛋白质、脂肪、乳糖、非脂乳固体、酸度几乎不变,感官品质不变差异不明显,大肠菌群、金黄色葡萄球菌及沙门氏菌未检出,而菌落总数增长速度试验组冰箱明显快于对照组冰箱,存在统计学显著性差异(p<0.05),但两组都符合国家标准。说明样品在冰箱冷藏贮存售卖期间温度的波动,对产品品质会造成影响,低的贮存温度及相对短的贮存时间有利于巴氏杀菌乳优良品质的保持。建议玻璃瓶装巴氏杀菌乳在售卖贮存过程,要控制温度波动,保证在保质期内冷藏贮存产品超6℃累积时间不超过7 h,温度在8℃以下,贮存环境箱体累积超过6℃不超过9 h,温度在9℃以下。
In order to investigate the temperature and quality changes of pasteurized milk packaged during normal storage and sale in refrigerator, parameters of sale temperature and time were obtained by measuring the normal storage and sale with the temperature fluctuation changes in refrigerators. The microorganism index, physical and chemical indicators, acidity and the sensory quality were studied in 5 d during the storage and sale in refrigerator, which was compared with the unopened sale as control. The results showed that the protein, fat, lactose, non-fat milk solids contents in the milk samples had not changes under the different storage conditions within the first five days while acidity and the sensory quality were almost the same under different storage conditions during 5 d storage and Coliform, Staphylococcus aureus andSalmonella were not detected. However, the aerobic plate count in the milk samples have been speeded up with the difference statistically significant(p0.05) to the contrast group during 5 d storage period on sale in refrigerator, and the two group accorded with the requirement of national standard. It indicated that temperature fluctuation had an impact on the quality of pasteurized milk during storage sale in refrigerator. Low storage temperature and relatively short storage time were conducive to the retention of high quality of pasteurized milk. The study also showed that controlling the sale temperature fluctuation in refrigerator was important. To ensure that the sale refrigeration, accumulated time for storage products over 6 ℃ was not more than 7 h and temperature was below 8 ℃;The accumulated time for refrigerator body temperature over 6 ℃, was not more than 9 h and temperature was below 9 ℃.
Modern Food Science and Technology
pasteurized milk
storage and sale
quality change