
化学品管理法规浅析 被引量:6

A Brief Analysis on Chemical Management Laws
摘要 随着化学品安全生产、职业与消费者健康和环境安全等相关问题的不断暴露,发达国家或地区近年来纷纷通过更新法规或出台新法规的形式强化了化学品管理力度。作为管理经验丰富和技术领先的代表,欧盟、美国、加拿大、日本、韩国和澳大利亚构建了涵盖多种化学品、全生命周期的化学品管理法规体系,确立了行之有效的管理制度——危害分类、标签及名录管理制度、暴露评估与风险评价制度、化学品优先测试评估制度、有害物质的职业卫生管理制度、污染物排放与转移登记制度、事故应急响应制度、公众知情和利益相关者参与制度。鉴于我国缺少化学品管理专项法规,化学品管理仍侧重末端污染控制,现有化学物质管理等法规不足或短缺,本文借鉴发达国家的先进经验,提出完善我国化学品管理法规体系的建议:①树立化学品风险源头管控理念,构建"无数据,无市场"的市场准入制度。②完善化学品管理上位法,明确化学品管理基本制度。③构建以环境和健康风险管理为导向的现有化学物质管理条例或规章。在此基础上,从5个方面深入分析我国具体化学品管理制度的不足并提出建议。 With the high incidence of chemicals related problems on work safety, occupational health, public health and environmental safety, the chemical management has been enhanced in developed countries and regions by renewing existing laws or promulgated new laws. As pioneers with rich management experiences and advanced technologies, chemical management legal systems, covering the whole life cycle of different types of chemicals, have been established in EU, USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea and Australia. Based on these legal systems, a series of effectual rules have been developed, including hazards classification, labeling and inventory regulating rules, exposure and risk assessment rules, priority setting rules for chemical testing and evaluation, occupational health preserving rules from hazardous substances, pollutant release and transfer register rules, emergency response rules, the right of public knowing and stakeholder participation rules. By contrast, with no special laws for chemicals management, the pipe-end pollution control has been always focused in China. Also the regulation about existing chemicals is lacking. In consideration of these shortages of chemical laws in China, proposals were put forward to improve the integrity of the legal system as follows:(1) Setting up the source controlling principle for chemical risks, to build the market access rule of "no data, no market".(2) Perfecting the higher-level laws for chemical management, to establish the basic administration rules.(3) Developing the risk-based chemical management rules or regulations for environment safety and public health. Furthermore, the deficiency of chemical management rules in China was analyzed on five aspects, and recommendations for improvement were then proposed.
出处 《中国环境管理》 2017年第5期41-46,共6页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Management
关键词 化学品管理 法规 制度 工业化学品 全生命周期 chemical management laws and regulations rules industrial chemicals whole life cycle
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