
几内亚湾海盗问题及其治理 被引量:13

An Analysis of the Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea and Its Governance
摘要 几内亚湾海盗已成为该地区面临的严重非传统安全威胁。其活动频率居高不下,作案手法日益专业化,目标选择渐趋多元,活动范围不断扩大,组织结构日趋复杂。究其原因,几内亚湾海盗问题是该地区社会经济发展困境、政府政策失当、族群对立、安全局势恶化与政府海洋治理能力不足的产物。这种特殊的背景使得海盗同时具有反政府武装、犯罪组织与地方社区建设参与者三重身份。几内亚湾海盗的猖獗给国际航运业带来巨大损失,损害了区域内各国的经济、社会发展,使地区内国际关系复杂化,并冲击了全球能源市场。面对几内亚湾海盗的威胁,区内国家与国际社会采取了一系列的应对措施,但目前取得的成效有限。与尼日尔河三角洲陆地反政府武装相比,几内亚湾海盗由于活动空间宽泛,防治难度更大;与索马里海盗相比,几内亚湾海盗问题呈现出因周边国家与国际社会合作失调而治理成效欠佳的结果。 The piracy in the Gulf of Guinea has been a serious non - traditional security threat of the region. growing. So are its diversity With high frequency, of target selection, organizational complexity. The causes dilemma of social and economic ethnic antagonism, deteriorating the tactics of piracy are scope of activities, and of the piracy in the Gulf of Guinea are the development, inappropriate government policies, security situation, and the inadequate capacity for marine governance in the region. These make the pirates a complex of three identities: rebels, criminal organizations, and local community builders. The existence of pirates has harmed the development of shipping industry, damaged the economic and social development of regional countries, complicated the international relations of the region, and impacted the global energy market. Faced with the threat of piracy, the regional countries and the international community have taken a series of countermeasures, but the positive results are limited. Unable to reconcile the conflict of internal and external interests, the action route of pirates in the Gulf of Guinea has shifted sharply. Compared with the rebels in Niger Delta, piracy in the Gulf of Guinea is more difficult to prevent because of its obstacle - free nature of activity space. Compared with the Somali piracy, the one in the Gulf of Guinea reveals a paradox of governance due to active countermeasures of neighboring countries.
作者 曹峰毓
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期72-94,共23页 West Asia and Africa
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"撒哈拉以南非洲反政府武装问题及其对中非合作关系的影响研究"(14CGJ005) 浙江省2011协同创新中心"非洲研究与中非合作协同创新中心"资助项目"非洲反政府武装与油气资源开发互动关系研究"(15FZZX03YB)的阶段性成果
关键词 海盗 几内亚湾 尼日利亚 尼日尔河三角洲 Piracy The Gulf of Guinea Nigeria Niger Delta
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