
刚果(金)Kambove矿区矿床特征及找矿方向 被引量:4

Characteristics and prospecting direction of deposits of Kambove mining area in the D.R.Congo
摘要 Kambove矿区位于中非铜钴成矿带刚果(金)段中部,区内已发现有Kamvoe、Kamoya、Kamfunduwa、Msesa、Shangolwe、Kabolela等多个矿床,累计开采出铜矿石超过1.2亿t,铜平均品位约5.3%。多数矿床开采较早,历史边界品位较高,当前技术条件下,该地区铜钴资源仍有很大开发价值和巨大找矿潜力。通过对区内矿床地质特征进行总结,分析矿床成因,总结成矿规律,为下一步找矿工作指明方向。 Kambove mining area lies in the middle part of D.R.Congo section of Central Africa copper-cobalt metallogenic belt,and several deposits including Kamvoe,Kamoya,Kamfunduwa,Msesa,Shangolwe and Kabolela are found in this area.The accumulative production of copper ores from this area is up to 120 million tons with an average grade of 5.3%.Most deposits are being mined for a long time,while the marginal grade in the history is relatively high.Under the modern technological condition,the copper-cobalt resource in this area still has high value for development and significant potential for prospecting.This paper summarized the geological characteristics of the deposits in the area and analyzed the genesis of deposits and metallogenic regularities,and thus it pointed out the direction of future prospecting works.
出处 《矿产与地质》 2017年第4期726-730,738,共6页 Mineral Resources and Geology
基金 中国有色矿业有限公司"刚果(金)加丹加省Kambove铜矿勘查项目"(2017年)资助
关键词 铜钴矿 地质特征 找矿方向 Kambove矿区 刚果(金) copper-cobalt deposit geologic feature prospecting direction Kambove mining area D.R.Congo
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