
中非铜矿带造山带特征演化模式 被引量:9

Evolutionary pattern of orogenic belt in copper metallogenic belt,central Africa region
摘要 本文对中非铜矿带造山带基本地质构造特征进行了分析,阐述了其大地构造演化模式,认为造山带的加丹加超群标准地层剖面由4个群组成,分别为罗安群、木瓦夏群、下昆代隆古群和上昆代隆古群,底部沉积岩时代为8.8亿年,其中以5.5~5.6亿年的卢菲利造山运动产生大规模北东向逆推作用为主要造山事件,并认为裂谷拉张与陆陆碰撞为本区大地构造演化的基本模式。 This paper presents a systematic study on characteristics of some basic geological structures associated with the copper metallogenic belt in central Africa region and illustrates an evolution pattern of its geotectonics.It is regarded that the standard stratigraphic profiles of Katanga super-group are mainly composed of four groups that named as Roan group,Mwashia group,lower Kudelungu group and upper Kudelungu group.The sedimentary rocks at the bottom yield an age of 880Ma,and the main orogenic event is large-scale north-northeast thrust fault induced by Lufillian orogenic movement which happened from 550 Ma to 560 Ma.It is believed that the preliminary pattern of geotectonic evolution in this area is rift extension and continent-continent collision.
出处 《资源调查与环境》 2011年第2期95-106,共12页 Resources Survey & Environment
基金 财政部和国土资源部2009年国外矿产资源风险勘查专项资金资助
关键词 卢菲利造山运动 铜矿 逆推作用 中非 Lufillian orogenic movement copper deposit thrust central Africa region
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