刚果(金)的铜矿带以赋存于新元古代沉积岩中的铜-钴多金属矿床为特征。根据矿体赋存地层的不同,矿带内自下向上共发育6层矿体。最主要的两个层状铜-钴矿体主要赋存于下Roan群Mines亚群(R2)之中,其一位于Kamoto组底部(R2.1),构成下部矿体;另一位于Shales dolomitic组(R2.2)底部,构成上部矿体。第三层矿体呈透镜状赋存于Roan群Mines亚群Kambove组(R2.3)中底部。第四层矿体赋存于Roan群Dipeta亚群Kansuki组(R3.3)内,为局部层状矿化。第五层矿体位于Nguba群Likasi亚群顶部(Ng1.3),为局部的铜多金属矿化。第六层矿体位于Kundelungu群Plateaux亚群中,为次生富集的铜多金属矿化。这些矿床(体)根据矿化特征的不同可以分为层状、次生富集和脉状三个类型,其分布严格受地层控制,并与卢菲莲造山期挤压构造密切相关。层状铜-钴矿床主要分布在由Mines亚群组成的逆冲岩席边缘的山脊部位,而次生富集、脉状矿床从Mines亚群到Kundelungu群都有发育,多出露于逆冲岩席内部的山脊与线性构造的交切部位。
The Congo (D. R. C. ) copper belt is noah-western segment of the Central African Copperblet which forms one of the largest metallogenic provinces of the world. It hosts Cu-Co deposits within the Neoprotcrozoic Kantanga Supergroup. There are 6 layers of orebodies in Kantanga Supergroup from the bottom to the top based on different host rocks. The two main stratiform Cu-Co orebodies are hosted by the Mines Subgroup, one in the lower part of the Kamoto Formation ( Lower Orebody) and the other at the base of the Dolomitic Shales Formation ( Upper Orebody). The third orebody is hosted in the middle-lower part of the Kambove Formation and it's lenticular and local distributed. The forth orebody occurs in Kansuki Formation, Dipeta Sub- group and it's local stratiform mineralized. The fifth orebody is hosted in the up part of Likasi Subgroup and it's local copper-polymetal mineralized. The sixth orebody occurs in Plateaux Subgroup and it's supergene enrichment copper-polymetal mineralized. These ore deposits can be classified as stratifrom, supergene enrichment and vein type according to their mineral occurrence characters. The occurrences of ore deposits are strictly controlled by the strata and closely associated with the structures formed during Lufilian orogeny. Most sttatifrom copper-cobalt deposits occur in Mines Subgroup and can be found in the ridges along the margin the thrust sheets. Many supergene enrichment and vein type deposits occur from Mine Subgroup to Kundelungu Group, can be found in the intersect area of ridges and lineaments inner the thrust sheets.
Geology and Exploration
mid-Africa copper belt, Democratic Republic of Congo, copper-cobalt deposit, structural control of ore body, spatial distribution regu- larities