负责任创新(Responsible Research and Innovation,简称RRI)是欧盟"地平线2020"战略下科技政策中的重要组成部分。RRI作为一个新兴思路,内容十分丰富,其概念尚在动态发展之中。本文着重从技术哲学的思路下来理解RRI,梳理社会建构技术论(SCOT)和价值敏感性设计(VSD)等相关技术哲学思路的发展脉络,论述了RRI在技术哲学史中的地位和责任观念的内涵。RRI作为一种有传承的技术哲学和管理思路,与SCOT单方面强调社会价值对技术塑造不同,它重视技术同价值的双向互动。技术能够物化和实现价值,价值也能改造技术。同时,相较于VSD,RRI采取了更加民主开放的责任观念,规避了可能的家长制风险。但RRI内嵌的责任观念仍未被充分反思,轻率使用RRI管理模型可能导致价值困惑和价值迁移。
Responsible research and innovation is integrated in the European 2020 project. As an emerging approach to technology, RRI is a dynamic idea with its concept being subject to change and evolution. We discussed the differences and similarities between RRI, VSD and SCOT, investigating further how RRI is situated in the history of philosophy of technology. In comparison with SCOT approach which focus exclusively on how social values changes technology, RII adopts a two-way approach, holding that value and technology influence each other from both directions. In contrast to VSD, RRI focuses on a more democratic and open method of organizing responsibility, and therefore avoids the critic of the potential paternalism. Yet, the idea of responsibility embedded in RRI has not been reflected carefully, and might introduce value confusion and transition once deployed unreflectively.
Journal of Dialectics of Nature