目的对新疆兵团寄宿制学生进行营养相关调查,了解学生营养状况、营养相关疾病及知识、态度和行为调查,针对学生营养相关问题提出合理的改善建议。方法按分层抽样,以师为单位,抽取2~4个团场,学校每年级抽取一个年级为调查对象,膳食调查采用称重计账法、测量身高和体重、氰化高铁测定法检测血红蛋白,自行设计问卷调查学生知识、态度和行为及营养素摄入水平,以《中国居民膳食营养摄入参考量》为标准,学生营养状况用体质指数法,按学生健康检查技术规范GB/T 26343-2010评价超重、肥胖和营养不良。结果豆类和奶类摄入量低于建议量的51.15%和66.67%,食用油、食盐和肉类摄入过量,分别超过建议食用量的165.10%、176.60%和126.60%,碳水化合物和钙明显不足,分别只达标准摄入量的45.93%和59.57%,学生营养不良率7.24%、超重率10.01%、肥胖率4.27%、贫血率13.63%;每天吃早餐的学生占74.60%,挑食或偏食的占36.10%。结论新疆兵团寄宿制学生营养过剩和不足同时存在,膳食结构不合理,肉类、食用油过量,奶类、豆类摄入量较少,营养性疾病患病率较高,应该加强学校营养健康教育工作。
Objective To investigate nutrition and health status, nutrition knowledge, attitude and behavior in boarding students from Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps(Shortly for Xinjiang corps); put forward reasonable suggestions for improvement. Methods Stratified cluster random sampling method was taken in total 6 divisions. It was first to select 2-4regiments in each division, then select one school in each regiment; one class was selected in each grade from grade one of primary school to grade three of junior high school, all boarding students of the class were the target population. Weighing accounting method was taken for dietary survey. Measurement of height and weight, Hi CN for hemoglobin test, questionnaire for nutrition knowledge, attitude and behavior and intake level of nutrient were evaluated according to China Resident Dietary Reference Volume. BMI was taken for the evaluation of nutrition status of students. The technical specification for student health examination(GB/T 26343-2010) was taken for the evaluation on overweight, obesity and malnutrition. Results The intake of beans, milk, edible oil, salt and meat was respectively 51.15%, 66.67%, 165.10%, 176.60% and 126.60% of the recommended volume. The intake of carbohydrate and calcium was separately 45.93% and 59.57% of standard volume that was obviously insufficient. The proportion of malnutrition, overweight, obesity and anemia in the students was respectively7.24%, 10.01%, 4.27% and 13.63%. Only 74.60% of students had breakfast every day. The students who were particular about the food or about some food accounted for 36.10%. Conclusions There are some problems about the boarding students of Xinjiang corps like overnutrition and undernutrition coexisting, unsuitable dietary structure, excess of meat and edible oil, insufficient intake of milk and beans, high prevalence of nutritional diseases. It is necessary to enhance the nutrition and health education at schools.
Bulletin of Disease Control & Prevention(China)
Boarding student
Nutrition health
Knowledge, attitude and behavior