Spatial analysis is one of the important forms of application in geographic information system (GIS). Because the spatial sense of urban villages are mainly in the visible range, the importance of geographic information system - spatial analysis and sight analysis is self-evident In this paper, seting the Qiawan Village in Nanfeng County as a example,analyzes the application of GIS spatial analysis technology in the protection and development of traditional villages. The digital model is established by using the CAD topographic map around the traditional villages,the elevation, slope, aspect, profile, line of sight and so on in the surrounding planning area are analyzed., analysis of the line of sight in a comprehensive and intuitive analysis model.The paper analyzes the rationality of the protection of the traditional sight line corridor in the early stage of planning and design,In order to achieve pre-planning and design reasonable analysis of the traditional village corridor line of sight protection and draws the bright spot of the planning and design,to make effective guidance of the planning and design work of ancient village protection and development,
Architecture & Culture
geographic information system,, traditional village
spatial analysis
line of sight protectionlow impact development