公路环境景观敏感度是公路周围环境景观被人们所注意到的程度的量度。公路作为一种人工带状结构物修建于自然环境之中后 ,便成为环境景观的有机组成部分。如何科学、客观地评价与公路相关的环境景观 ,是影响公路设计及路线方案比选的一个重要指标 ,也是环境景观设计的基本依据 ;因此 ,根据相关领域的研究成果 。
Highway environmental landscape sensibility is the measure of the degree that the landscape in the environment around the highway is took care in. As an artificial structure, highway is a part of the landscape in the environment after it has been built. How to evaluate the landscape in the environment which is relation to the highway scientifically and objectively, it is not only a important index that influences the highway design and the scheme select, but also a foundations for the design of the landscape in environment of highway. According to the interrelated results, the environmental landscape sensibility about highway is analysed and calculated. The conclusion has a very important applied value for the design of highway and the landscape in the environment.