Objective To observe and analyze th e c l in ic a l cu ra tive effect of ope rat io n tre a tm en t of cerv ic alsp on dy lo tic radiculopathy. Methods 4 6 c a se s of p a t ien ts with cerv ic alsp on dy lo tic rad icu lo p a th y adm it ted in our h ospi tal from J a n -uary 2013 to January 2016 were selected as the observation group, and 46 cases of pat ients with non-operat ive treat-ment at the same period were selected as the control group, and the treatment related indexes , cl inical curat ive effect, complicat ions and recur rence rate of the two groups were observed. Results After tre a tm en t , th e num b ne ss re l ie f time, pain rel ief time, treatment excel lent and good rate and recur rence rate were bet ter than those in the control group,[ (5.42±1.31)d, (1.97±0.68)d, 97.83%, 4.35% vs (15.53±3.21)d, (12.02±2.33)d, 84.78%, 23.91%] , and the differ-ences were s tat is t ical ly signif icant (P〈0.05), and the difference in the incidence rate of complicat ions between the two groups was not obvious without stat is t ical signif icance (P〉0.05). Conclusion T he cu ra tive effect of cerv ic alsp on dy lo tic radiculopathy operat ive treatment is bet ter than that of non-operat ive treatment, which can improve the treatment effect and reduce the recur rence rate, and it is worth cl inical fur ther promotion and application.
Systems Medicine
C ervicalspondylot ic radicu lo pa th y
Operative trea tmen t
C linic al cu ra tive effect