Learning in the mobile Internet era involves elements such as games, hands-on, experience and discussion,the ubiquitous of social interaction makes learners more interested in interactive and experiential learning patterns.The concepts of creativity, DIY, hands-on and thinking, challenging, which are emphasized in maker learning, are consistent with the essence of gaming mobile learning.Based on the idea of STEM, we design the integrable ware of mobile learning games, which highlights the characteristics of "game, DIY practice, cross disciplinary, common sharing" and so on.Students can develop their own creative ideas, and use the resources in the ready-made integrable ware library or custom materials to assemble and produce mobile and interdisciplinary learning games. Combination the idea of creative learning, game learning, mobile learning and STEM concept,it will provide learners with a hands-on, free exploration and development of creative space,so as to cultivate the comprehensive talents which integrated of inquiry, innovative consciousness, critical thinking, information technology and competitiveness abilities.
Journal of Distance Education