The WTO dispute settlement mechanism created by the United States is the centerpiece of the multilateral trading system. Both the appeal rate and the plaintiff' s wining rate are very high for the United States. Also the self-help ability of the United States to execute the rulings is the strongest in the world. However, in recent years the United States has negotia- ted a large regional trade agreement to replace the WTO dispute settlement mechanism, and is even considering withdrawing from the mechanism directly. From perspective of WTO rulings, it seems that there is no overlap between the enforcement of the WTO plaintiffs' ruling and the full realization of national interests. Further observations show that a big gap exists between the enforcement of the WTO plaintiffs' victory ruling and the implementation of the WTO treaty ne- gotiation interests. On the one hand, a ruling that cannot be fully implemented can still indi- rectly realize some of the treaty interests. On the other hand, a ruling that can be fully imple- mented may be unable to fully realize the treaty interests. This fragmentation can have the effect of regulating the WTO appeal rate. However, along with the change of social, economic and po- litical environment, the deviation has become an important reason for countries with strong abili- ty of self-help execution to abandon the WTO system. In view of this situation, China needs to increase the complaint rate, conduct classified evaluation of the effects of WTO rulings, pay at- tention to the influence of the imbalance in the structure of domestic policy on the implementa- tion of WTO rulings, and follow up and overtake the design and guidance of the dispute settle- ment procedure imposed by the US.
Global Law Review