
印度洋区域安全治理的中国因素 被引量:3

An Analysis of the Chinese Factor in the Security Governance in the Indian Ocean Region
摘要 区域安全治理是全球安全治理的重要组成部分,对于维护地区安全和稳定发挥着重要作用。伴随印度洋区域安全治理主体的多元化,无论是主权国家还是国际组织纷纷加入本区域安全治理之中,履行各自安全治理职责,合作方式已经成为各个安全治理主体在治理过程中的重要工具选择,这标志着印度洋区域安全治理初步形成,在维护本区域安全和发展方面发挥着独特作用。尽管中国参与印度洋护航的力度不断加大,但受多种因素的影响,中国在印度洋区域安全治理过程中参与较少,作用有限,这种状况与中国作为世界第二大经济体和负责任大国担当的身份严重不符。随着印度洋地缘战略通道对中国未来发展重要性的不断提升,特别是印度洋区域安全治理失效和克服域内外个别大国战略误判带来的消极影响,使中国参与印度洋区域安全治理的必要性和紧迫性逐渐加大。中国作为印度洋区域安全治理的重要主体之一,参与印度洋区域安全治理已是不可或缺,并将在引导印度洋区域安全治理的理念和价值取向、提升和夯实印度洋区域安全治理能力和基础、推动印度洋区域安全治理合作等方面有所作为,为维护印度洋区域安全与稳定,为实现人类命运共同体贡献中国方案。 Regional security governance is a key component of global security governance and plays an important role in maintaining regional security and stability.With the diversification of the main actors of the security governance in the Indian Ocean region,both sovereign states and international organizations have actively participated in the regional governance to implement their own responsibilities.Collaboration has been well acknowledged as an effective tool in the process of governance,which marks the initial formation of mechanism on the Indian Ocean regional security governance and plays a unique role in maintaining regional security and development. Although China is making great efforts to participate in the Indian Ocean escort,China's role in the security governance in the Indian Ocean region is restricted by many factors. This situation is not compatible with China's capacity as the world's second largest economy and a responsible major power. In view of the growing importance of the Indian Ocean geo-strategic channel to China 's future development as well as the ineffectiveness in the Indian Ocean regional security governance and the negative impact caused by strategic misjudgments of some major countries within and beyond the region,it is imperative that China should actively participate in the security governance in the Indian Ocean region. It can be said that China will play an increasingly important role in guiding the concept and values,enhancing and consolidating its capacity and foundation and promoting cooperation in the Indian Ocean regional security governance. As a main actor and major power,China will make due contribution to safeguarding the security and stability of the Indian Ocean region and build a community of shared future for mankind with a feasible Chinese Plan.
作者 李文良
机构地区 国际关系学院
出处 《国际安全研究》 CSSCI 2017年第5期95-110,共16页 Journal of International Security Studies
关键词 安全治理 印度洋区域 战略通道 中国方案 security governance Indian Ocean Region strategic chanel Chinese Plan
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