
新中国建立以来社会组织发展轨迹考察——基于“国家与社会”角度的分析 被引量:4

The Development of Social Organizations Since the Founding of New China from “State and Society” Perspective
摘要 社会组织在新中国的历史已有60余年,经历了"政治社团"阶段、单一发展阶段、多元发展阶段以及回归本质并增速发展的阶段。基于"国家与社会"的视角,对中国社会组织的发展轨迹及脉络进行历史考察,可以看出,尽管其过程比较曲折,但总体发展已经步入正轨。当前,我国社会组织及其管理体制的改革仍面临着思想认识误区、获取资源艰难和运作不规范等困境的制约。只有解决好这些问题,才能使社会组织真正成为国家与社会之间的一股缓冲力量,在社会自治中发挥其应有的作用。 In new China the social organizations have had a history of over 60 years, which experienced various stages of development: The development of "political associations", the unitary development, the pluralistic development, the returning-to-nature, and rapid development. This paper investigates the development of Chinese social organizations based on the perspective of "state and society". After going through a long and winding course, the development of Chinese social organizations has turned in a truly positive direction. Nowadays, Chinese social organizations and the reform of its management system are still restricted by the misconceptions, difficulties in obtaining resources and irregular operations. Only by solving these problems, can social organizations really become a buffer force between the state and society, and play its proper role in social autonomy.
作者 耿显家 GENG Xian-jia(Journal Department of Social Sciences, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 100026, PRC)
出处 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期60-66,共7页 Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 新中国 社会组织 国家与社会 new China social organizations state and society
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