
中国科技典籍出版“走出去”的路径探索——以李约瑟《中国科学技术史》丛书为考察中心 被引量:6

Approaches to “Going out”of the Publication of Chinese Ancient Classics in Science and Technology:Focusing on the Investigation of Joseph Needham's Science and Civilisation in China Series
摘要 李约瑟主持编纂的《中国科学技术史》丛书在中外科技史上具有里程碑式的意义,自出版后得到多方面的研究,却鲜少从出版视角来探析这一巨著。本文从选题缘起与规划进展、编辑出版特色、出版的现实意义与海内外传播影响及其局限性、对出版"走出去"的启示等四个方面对李约瑟这一著作进行了详尽剖析,为中国科技典籍出版"走出去"的路径进行了有效探索。 Science and Civilisation in China Series, coauthored and coedited by Joseph Needham, has been a milestone in the history of science and technology both in China and other countries. It has been investigated from various perspectives since its publication, but rarely researched from the perspective of publishing. This essay scrutinizes it from four aspects: the origin of the project and its planning; the char- acteristics of editing and publishing; the practical significance of publication; the influence both in China and in other countries; and its inspiration to "going out" of the publication of Chinese ancient classics in science and technology. The aim is to provide effecitve approaches to publication which hepls Chinese ancient scientific and technological classics to "go out".
出处 《山东外语教学》 2017年第4期98-105,共8页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
基金 湖南省社科基金项目"李约瑟与中国传统文化研究"(项目编号:15YBA093) 中国翻译研究院2015-2016年度重点"中国传统经典文化对外翻译与国际传播调研报告"(项目编号:2016B12)的阶段性成果
关键词 李约瑟 《中国科学技术史》丛书 出版 科技典籍 中国文化“走出去” Joseph Needham Science and Civilisation in China Series publishing science and technolo-gy books Chinese culture "going out"
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