《聊斋志异》中《鸽异》所写主人公邹平张幼量 ,原型为明末抗清志士张万钟。张万钟不仅正面抗击清军 ,以身殉明 ,而且撰著了世界鸽类研究史上第一部专著《鸽经》。他是清初大诗人王士祯的岳父 ,《鸽经》赖王氏操持得以传世。蒲松龄写《鸽异》
Zhang Wanzhong, a loyral anti-Qing Dynasty patriot in late Ming Dynasty, is the prototype of Zhang Youliang, protagonist in A Different Account of the Pigeons in The Bizarre Stories from Liaozhai by Pu Songling. Zhang Wanzhong dies a martyr for the Ming in his open and head-on resistance to the Qing troops; more than that, he is also the author of On Pigeons, the world's first treatise in the study of pigeons.As father-in-law of Wang Shizhen, a master poet in early Qing, Zhang's book survives primarily through Wang's operation. Pu's A Different Account of the Pigeons is written in memory of his hometown celebrity.
Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University