目的:探讨拦截系统软件在提高抗肿瘤药处方审核质量中的作用。方法:以《中华人民共和国药典》(2015版)、《新编药物学》(17版)、药品说明书等为依据,建立抗肿瘤药拦截系统数据库。以2015年4—6月静脉用药集中调配中心33 557张抗肿瘤药处方为数据基线,采用药师人工审核及运用拦截系统软件审核2种方式,对抗肿瘤药处方的合理性进行审核,统计不合理处方类型、审核一致性等内容。结果:不合理处方类型主要为溶剂体积不当,药师审核数和系统审核数均为233张;其次为溶剂选择不当,药师审核数和系统审核数均为162张。拦截系统与药师对溶剂体积不当、溶剂选择不当等处方的审核一致,匹配度达100%。但拦截系统在药物剂量不当、给药途径错误、不符合药物经济学原则、重复处方及其他方面尚有欠缺,仍需结合人工审核处方模式。结论:应用拦截系统可准确审核药物配制中溶剂体积不当、溶剂选择不当的不合理处方,减少人为审核压力,处方审核时间前移。
OBJECTIVE: To probe into the role of intercept system in improving audit quality of antineoplastic prescription. METHODS: By reference to Chinese Pharmacopoeia( 2015 edition),New Drug Pharmacology( 17 edition)and drug manuals,database of antineoplastic drug interception system was established. Based on the 33 557 prescriptions with antineoplastic drugs from PIVAS from Apr. to Jun. 2015,rationality of the prescription of antineoplastic drugs were audited through pharmacists manual audit and use of interception system,statistics of types of irrational prescriptions,audit consistency were collected. RESULTS: Types of irrational prescriptions were mainly improper volume of solvent,the number of pharmacist examination prescriptions and the number of systematic examination prescriptions were 233;followed by improper selection of solvent,the number of pharmacist examination prescriptions and the number of systematic examination prescriptions were 162. The intercept system and pharmacists reached an agreement of 100% on audit of improper solvent volume and improper selection of solvent. Yet the improper drug dosage,incorrect route of administration,inconsistent with the principles of pharmacoeconomics,repetitive prescriptions and other aspects are still inadequate,which need to be combined with manual audit prescription mode. CONCLUSIONS: Using the interception system can accurately examine the preparation of drugs in inappropriate volume of solvent and improper selection of solvent,reduce the pressure of manual audit and advance the prescription examination time.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
Interception system
Antineoplastic drugs
Solvent preparation
Prescription audit