目的探讨髋关节滑膜囊肿致股静脉外压,造成股静脉回流障碍的诊疗体会。方法 2008-01—2016-10间南乐县中兴医院及河南大学第一附属医院共诊治11例髋关节滑膜囊肿压迫股静脉患者,回顾性分析患者的临床资料。结果 11例患者均接受影像学检查,其中股静脉外压性改变的检出率为:彩色多普勒超声检查100%(11/11),腹股沟区CT检出率20%(1/5),磁共振成像(MRI)检出率100%(7/7),股静脉造影检出率100%(5/5),股静脉CTV检出率100%(2/2)。本组11例患者均接受髋关节滑膜囊肿切除术,术后临床症状及体征消失,复查彩超股静脉正常,未见囊肿复发。结论彩超是一种经济有效诊断髋关节滑膜囊肿致股静脉外压并回流障碍的检查手段,操作简便无创,可有效降低误诊率。手术切除囊肿是治疗本病的有效方法。
Objective To detective the clinical experience of femoral vein compression combined femoral vein reflux disorder resulting from synovial cyst of hip joint. Methods Retrospectively analyze the 11 patients clinical data that confirmed femoral vein compression combined femoral vein reflux disorder resulting from synovial cyst of hip joint from 2008 to 2016 in the Nanle zhongxing First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University and Beijing Union Medical College Hospital. Results 11 patients received imaging studies and the detection rate of femoral vein compressed changes are: ultrasonography 100%( 11/11),CT 20%( 1/5),Magnetic resonance imaging( MRI) 100%( 7/7),femoral vein contrast( 5/5),femoral vein CTV 100%( 2/2). The group of 11 patients underwent the resection of synovial cyst of hip joint; clinical symptoms and signs disappeared,no cyst recurrence in postoperative follow-up,only one patient appeared deep venous thrombosis after three weeks of the operation. Conclusion Ultrasonography is one of the most useful imaging modalities in the diagnosis of femoral vein compression combined femoral vein reflux disorder resulting from synovial cyst of hip joint. Surgical excision of the cyst is an effective way to treat the disease.
Henan Journal of Surgery
Hip joint
Synovial cyst
Femoral vein compression