
2015年北京市顺义区居民膳食营养摄入状况调查 被引量:8

The status of dietary nutrients intake of the residents in Shunyi District,Beijing in 2015
摘要 目的了解2015年北京市顺义区居民膳食营养摄入状况及近年来的变化趋势。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法,按顺义区经济发展程度和地理位置,选取分别代表城、乡的2个街道和3个乡镇,在选中的街道(乡镇)随机选取2个社区(村),在选中的社区或乡村随机选取300户817人作为研究对象,研究调查户所有成员食物消费情况、营养素摄入以及营养素的食物来源情况。结果顺义区居民谷类、蛋类摄入量较合理,薯类、水果、蔬菜、大豆及坚果类均摄入不足,分别为建议摄入量下限的60.8%、52.3%、83.0%和63.2%,奶类和水产品与推荐值差距最大,仅相当于推荐值的16.8%和34.3%。而肉类、食用油和盐摄入过高,分别超出推荐值的10.3%、63.7%和100.0%。能量基本供给充足。蛋白质、维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B_2、钙、铁、锌分别有52.1%(426/817)、72.1%(589/817)、83.8%(685/817)、88.6%(724/817)、97.2%(794/817)、10.0%(82/817)和45.9%(375/817)的居民存在摄入不足的情况,91.6%(748/817)的居民钠摄入量达到适宜水平。脂肪供能比偏高,蛋白质质量有待提高。结论北京市顺义区居民仍存在部分营养素摄入不足问题,膳食结构需进一步优化。 Objective To investigate the status of dietary nutrients intake of the residents in Shunyi District,Beijing in 2015. Methods Using stratified cluster sampling method,Shunyi District was divided into urban and rural areas,according to the level of economic development and geographical location. Two communities or villages were randomly selected in each type of areas. Three hundred households and 817 objects were randomly selected from each community or village. All members of each household were investigated about food consumption,dietary nutrients intake and food sources of nutrition. Results The consumption of grain and egg was at the reasonable level,but the intake of potato,fruit,vegetable,soyabean and nut was low,only reached 60. 8%,52. 3%,83. 0% and 63. 2% of the recommended intake,respectively. Milk and aquatic product were far below the recommended values,only reached 16. 8% and 34. 3% of the recommended intake. Meat,edible oil and salt had exceeded the recommended values at 10. 3%,63. 7% and 100. 0%,respectively. Energy supply was basically adequate. There were 52. 1%( 426/817) 、72. 1%( 589/817) 、83. 8%( 685/817) 、88. 6%( 724/817) 、97. 2%( 794/817) 、10. 0%( 82/817) and 45. 9%( 375/817) of the populationwith protein,vitamin A,B_1,B_2,calcium,iron and zinc deficiency,respectively. 91. 6%( 748/817) of the residents reached the appropriate level of sodium intake. The proportion of energy from fat should be reduced and the quality of protein be improved. Conclusion Unreasonable food consumption and deficient of some micronutrients might be the important factors influencing the health of Shunyi residents..
出处 《中国食品卫生杂志》 2017年第3期339-344,共6页 Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene
关键词 营养调查 膳食结构 营养素 顺义区 Nutrition survey dietary pattern nutrients Shunyi District
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