目的探讨三维超声技术能否弥补二维超声切面的局限性,对房间隔及其周围重要解剖结构进行良好的显像,并且立体直观的观察其位置关系。方法选取35例患者应用实时三维经食管超声心动图(RT-3D TEE)分别从左房面及右房面对房间隔及其周围重要解剖结构进行成像,观察所能显示的解剖结构。结果双房上下腔静脉切面结合食管下段四腔心切面对房间隔进行三维成像,左房及右房面的大部分相邻结构都能够获得较满意图像,但部分患者的下腔静脉不能够很好地显示。还有部分房间隔薄弱患者出现假性的ASD,通过调节增益,结合彩色多普勒被排除。结论实时三维经食管超声心动图在合适的TEE二维切面对于房间隔及其大部分相邻结构提供高质量的立体图像,有助于临床医师对于房间隔立体结构的了解及与邻近结构的空间位置关系。
Objective To explore whether three-dimensional ultrasonic technique can make up the limitations of two-dimensional ultrasonic section, develop better images of atrial spetum and adjacent anatomic structures, and ob- serve their positions in a three-dimension way.Methods Real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (RT-3D TEE) were given to 35 patients from the surface of left atrium and right atrial septal face to present images of atrial spetum and its adjacent anatomical structures for observation. Results Three-dimensional imaging were given to atrial spetum from venous sections of the upper and lower cavity of both atrias and four cavities of lower esophageal, the left and right atrial and most of their adjacent structures can be satisfactorily imaged, but the inferior vena cava of some patients can not be displayed well. Some patients with atrial septal defect appeared to be false ASD.By adjusting the gaincombined with color Doppler, ASD were excluded.Gonclusion Real-time three-dimension- al transesophageal echocardiography in proper 2D TEE section provides high-quality three-dimensional images of the atrial septum and its adjacent structures which can the spatial help clinicians for their better understanding of the three-dimensional structure of atrial septum and the three-dimensional positions of its adjacent structures.
Chinese Journal of Convalescent Medicine
Real time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography
Atriai septum
Adjacent anatomicalstructure