
木材合法性贸易要求对中国木质林产品贸易的影响--基于欧盟新木材法案的分析 被引量:10

Impacts of Wood Legality Trade Requirement on China's Wood Forest Products Trade: Analysis in the New EU Timber Regulation
摘要 继美国2008年出台雷斯法案修正案后,欧盟和澳大利亚也纷纷实施了禁止非法木材进口的法案。作为木质林产品贸易大国,这些举措将对中国木材产品出口至这些国家产生重大影响。以欧盟新木材法案为例,结合中国木材行业发展现状和中欧贸易状况,分析此项法规对中国木质林产品贸易格局的影响并提出相应的对策建议,以促进中国木质林产品出口贸易和加工贸易的稳定发展。 Background Since 2006,the illegal logging problem of worldwide timber industry was increasing seriously.In order to curb illegal logging,the EU and Australia implemented similar regulation to prohibit illegal timber's import after the US lacey act amendment introduced in 2008.China is a big trading nation of wood forest products,so these measure would have significant impacts on China exporting its forest products to these countries.Methods The data of this paper were selected from UN Comrades Database,the web of Research Center for Economics and Trade in Forest Products of the State Forestry Administration,Yearbook of China's Economic Census(2008)and the GTA CSMAR Database.This paper analyzed the influence of The New EU Timber Regulation on China's wood forest products trade base on the data combined with the statue of the China's wood industry and the trade between China and EU.Results As the result from analyzing Yearbook of China's Economic Census(2008)and the GTA CS-MAR Database,this paper indicated that:Small and Medium-sized Enterprises(SME)occupied most of China's timber industry.The significant characteristic of SME is enterprise agglomeration.In contrast the variation trend of import total and export total which consist of wood forest products,wood furniture and plywood in the recent ten years,we found the trend of import total and export total of China's wood forest products appeared to be growing by leaps and bounds.It was observed that China was the biggest import country for EU according to the proportion of the top 11 regional imports of EU imports of wood products in 2014.And it was also observed that China was the important export country for EU on the basis of the import situation of China's wood forest products from EU in 2002-2014.In the EU market,if China's timber companies cannot deal with new EU Timber Regulation,China's wood industry might suffer more adverse effects than other competitors when EU implemented New EU Timber Regulation.The competitiveness of China's wood industry would show
出处 《林业经济问题》 北大核心 2017年第2期70-74,共5页 Issues of Forestry Economics
关键词 欧盟新木材法案 木质林产品 非法采伐 New EU Timber Regulation wood forest product illegal logging
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