目的 完善浙江省临床医学硕士专业学位研究生培养与住院医师规范化培训并轨的培训体系,以期提高医学研究生的职业素质.方法 通过文献法和专家访谈制定调查问卷,获得77名临床规培研究生资料,以柯氏评估的反应层、学习层、行为层、成果层为切入点,对规培效果进行评价.采用SPSS 20.0进行统计分析,柯氏评分采用(均数±标准差)描述,定性资料采用率或构成比描述;评分比较采用t检验,多组人群的评分比较采用方差分析.结果 反应层规培态度得分为(9.26±1.08),规培内容得分为(29.29±4.36),规培带教教师积极性得分为(11.13±2.17),规培感受得分为(17.38±3.10),说明住院医师对培训的总体满意度较高,但对培训师资、考核及薪酬满意度较低.学习层规培前后,医学知识、临床思维及操作技能考试等成绩差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05).行为层显示规培生行为在培训后发生了明显改变(P〈0.05),在查房、处理常见病等能力方面有较大提高.成果层显示77名规培生均无医疗事故和投诉,全部通过年度考核,100%参与课题研究.结论 规培研究生总体对培训的计划、内容、方式等感到比较满意,但培训存在信息反馈不及时、带教教师积极性不高、缺乏有效竞争机制等问题.柯氏评估模型能从整体视角对研究生规培进行全面客观的评估,可以引入到研究生规培的效果评价中来.
Objective To improve the training system of the combined education mode between professional master degree students of clinical medicine and resident standardization training (RST) in Zhe-jiang province, and improve the professional quality of medical graduate students. Methods A question-naire was designed through literature review and expert interview, and the data of 77 clinical training post-graduates were collected, and the effect of the training was evaluated by taking the reaction level, learning level, behavior level and achievement level of Ke's evaluation as the breakthrough point. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS 20.0, and the mean score was used as the standard deviation. The scores were compared with t test, and the scores of multiple groups were made variance analysis. Results The RST attitude value in reaction layer was 9.26±1.08, RST content value was 29.29±4.36, RST teacher enthusiasm value was 11.13±2.17, RST experience value was 17.38±3.10, which indicated that residents' overall satisfaction to RST was high, but the satisfaction on teachers, evaluation and compensation was relatively low;The grade difference before and after RST in learning layer was statistically significant (P〈0.05), indicating that before and after RST the grades were obviously improved, and the sense of belonging is high. The behave layer showed the residents' behavior changed obviously before and after RST (P〈0.05), and their abilities in various aspects such as ward round and dealing with common diseases were largely improved;The result layer showed 77 graduate students had no medical accident and complaint , and all of them passed the annual assessment and participated in the research projects. Conclusion In general, RST graduate students are relatively satisfied with the plan, content and methods of the training, on the other hand, there are problems such as the absence of timely information feedback, teachers' poor enthusiasm, lack of effective competition mechanism, etc. Kirkpatr
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research
Quality analysis
Countermeasure study
Graduate students
Standardization training
Zhejiang Province
Kirkpatrick model