目的分析心内科住院患者死亡的原因及其变化趋势,提高心血管疾病防治水平,降低死亡率。方法回顾分析某医院2006年-2015年心内科住院死亡患者病案资料,按照国际疾病分类标准(ICD-10)进行分类,对性别、年龄、主要死因、合并疾病、死亡季节进行统计分析。结果 2006年-2015年心内科住院患者死亡共计995人,平均住院病死率1.69%;男女比例均衡;平均死亡年龄73.4岁;60岁以上是病死高发年龄段;60岁以下死亡患者中男性多于女性;冠心病占据死因首位;合并心力衰竭比例达99.5%;夏季病死率最低。结论老年患者是心血管疾病死亡高危人群,降低冠心病的病死率是减少心内科住院患者死亡的关键,应积极控制心力衰竭的危险因素。
Objective To investigate the causes of death and variation trends of inpatients with cardiovascular diseases in order to improve the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and reduce the mortality.Methods Death cases of inpatients with cardiovascular diseases in the Shengjng Hospital of China Medical University from January 2006 to December 2015 were analyzed retrospectively. Statistical summary was conducted on principal discharge diagnosis based on ICD-10. The epidemiological characters included gender composition, age distribution, causes of death, other accompanied diseases,seasonal distribution were analyzed statistically. Results A total of 995 death cases inpatients with cardiovascular diseases were collected in our hospital from 2006 to 2015.The mortality was 1.69% in ten years. The mortality of male was equally to that of female, the average age of death was 73.4 years, patients over the age of 60 had a higher incidence of mortality. The mortality rate of male was significantly higher than that of female in patients under 60 years of age; The top one death causes in order was coronary heart disease(CHD), The rate combined heart failure was 99.5%, the mortality was low in summer.Conclusion The main group of death cases with cardiovascular diseases was aged people. Reducing the mortality of CHD is the key to reduce the mortality of inpatients with cardiovascular diseases. Risk factors for heart failure should be actively controlled.
Chinese Medical Record
Cardiovascular disease
Causes of death