

Influence of heavenly mandate on the mind-nature theory of Confucianism in the Pre-Qin Dynasty
摘要 心性论发源于原始宗教,其源头可追溯至商初,而西周的天命观则明确了道德教化的天命依据(此即"德命观")。周人的立国叙事中隐含着其天命观的两个重要分支:一为文、武受命,为"人为论"之渊薮;一为太王、王季受命,为"天意论"之理论根源。两者均承认天命的道德性,信奉善恶报应,坚持德福一致;其区别在于前者认为从善或作恶取决于人自身,而后者则认为心性的善恶由天而定。但自西周晚期起,"人为论"逐步沉寂,"天意论"日渐兴起。"天意论"的理论延伸是为"命定论",孔子的天命观可为其代表,不过,孔子"圣人"神话的破灭却促使儒家德命观向"时命观"转化,而儒家的道德哲学也因此摆脱了功利主义的藩篱,进而获得独立性与自足性。 The mind-nature theory originated from primitive religions, whose origin could trace back to the early Shang Dynasty while the theory of heavenly mandate in the Western Zhou Dynasty clarified the heavenly basis of moral education. The descrip- tion of the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty contained two views about heavenly mandate. The first one was that King Wen and King Wu were granted the mission due to the influence of human beings. The second one was that Taiwang and Wangji were granted the mission due to the arrangement of the Heaven. Both accepted the moral attribute of the Heaven, and believed that the consistency of virtue and happiness as well as the theory of "good deeds are rewarded and vices punished". The difference between them was that the former held that to be a bad man or a good man was decided by oneself, but the latter advocated that the development of mind-nature depended on the Heaven. Then, since the late Western Zbou Dynasty, the former was losing the ground while the latter was gaining momentum. The theoretical development of heavenly mandate was determinism represented by Confucius' concept of heavenly mandate. However, the disillusionment of Confucius' saints resulted in a return to historical missions, which helped the Confucian moral philosophy abandon utilitarianism and obtain its independence and reason.
作者 陈晨捷 CHEN Chen-jie(Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China)
机构地区 山东大学
出处 《云南大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2017年第2期44-50,共7页 The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition
基金 山东省社会科学规划研究项目"仁礼之间:先秦儒家仁义礼思想研究"(项目号:12DZXJ03) 山东大学人文社会科学青年团队项目"儒家伦理观与我国主流价值中的道德文化建构"(项目号:IFYT12044) 山东大学儒学高等研究院重点项目"中国正义论"的阶段性研究成果
关键词 先秦 儒家 心性论 德福一致 天命 Pre-Qin Dynasty Confucianism mind-nature theory consistency of virtue and happiness heavenly mandate
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